
I2P: Transparent access from any browser

Время на прочтение 2 min
Количество просмотров 367K

IN last thing time, quantity news related WITH blocking goes off scale.

But where should people go??

So that there is access to information, freedom of speech and respect at least those rules that are in the constitution?

Mesh networks are not suitable, Tor also cannot provide the required, remains I2P.

Today we will talk about how to set up transparent access to I2P, with which every housewife will be able to open any site on this network.

First steps

Obviously, we will need I2P, if you don’t have it installed yet, it’s time to do it, otherwise tomorrow, perhaps, the official I2P website will also be blocked.

During installation, agree to install the I2P service, this will allow it to run in the background when you turn on the computer.

Setting it up

On the page set the speed limit to 60% of your channel (more if you don't mind)

We make it easy to access from all browsers in the system

The I2P package includes an automatic proxy configuration file in browsers; in Windows it is located here:
C:\Program Files\i2p\scripts\i2pProxy.pac

Now it needs to be fed to IE.

Go to browser settings --> Connections --> Network settings

Use automatic configuration script --> paste the address before this file C:\Program Files\i2p\scripts\i2pProxy.pac (You can upload it to any hosting and paste the link)

That's all

Now you can pour yourself a cup of tea and slowly drink it, the integration of a new node into the i2p network does not happen immediately, by the time the cup is empty you can go to one of the many network sites:

Any browser now has access to the I2P network
With this setup, you can be identified if someone needs it using double access.

So if you are going to prepare an attempted uprising or talk about the various advantages of certain methods of suicide, it is better to use a separate browser for I2P, which can have access only to I2P network

What's on the web?

http://freezone.i2p/ — Social collaborative blogging service
flibusta.i2p Library
http://lenta.i2p/ — News site, news can be added by users
http://rus.i2p/ Local Wikipedia, deleted articles from Lurk have also been transferred to it
http://nnm-club.i2p/ — Torrent tracker, needs no introduction
forum.i2p Main forum
http://ugha.i2p/EepsiteIndex Large catalog of sites
http://tracker2.postman.i2p/ Torrent tracker
http://diftracker.i2p/ Another torrent tracker
http://xc.i2p/ Link shortener
http://stats.i2p/ Network statistics

Recently, the I2P network has been actively developing, developers have increased the speed of the network and added IPv support6.
Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in, Please.
Will you use I2P?
56.22% Yes 1889
9.29% No, it's too slow 312
10.18% No, not enough content 342
4.79% No, it's difficult to set up 161
5.77% No, it will still be closed when necessary 194
13.75% Already using it! 462
3360 users voted. 1123 users abstained.
Всего голосов 129: ↑115 и ↓14 +101
Комментарии 174

Comments 174

Where is the option: “Already using?»
Add flibusta.i2p
Added flibusta.i2p to the poll as well
Please add one more tip:
Sometimes you need to find port forwarding in the router settings, or (even better) enable uPnP - because, for example, in my Tomson this checkbox was unchecked by default.
As a result, i2p started up on its own.

And yes, for some reason it didn’t work with the working proxy (if I’m not mistaken, there’s squid installed there). Either the skis don't work (c))
Either the skis don't work... or the port is the same :)
For me, too, “the pot doesn’t cook” (as in one famous fairy tale).
The IE file with the settings was successfully fed, but Flibusta still does not open.
UDP port is open in the firewall.
Can anyone tell me what can be done?
This means you are missing a mapping in your address book, that zmw2cyw2vj7f6obx3msmdvdepdhnw2ctc4okza2zjxlukkdfckhq.b32.i2p == flibusta.i2p.
Requires base64 for matching, otherwise it gives an error adding to the address book.
UDP m.b. and is open, however, judging by the screen, the software complains about the TCP port, do you have an external IP address? In addition, if 36 minutes from the moment of installation it could happen that the I2P router, due to connection problems, did not integrate well enough into the network, and you need to wait a little more.
Yes, I read it, but in my opinion now it’s worth repeating the information about I2P with an emphasis on speed and easy access
I propose to bet on how many years later Russian providers will be obliged to shut down this business, and the use of encryption tools will become a criminal offense.
Do not forget that without DPI you can only block all encrypted traffic without understanding whether it is ssh or i2p.
The same ssh and VPN are used very actively in the corporate sector, and they are unlikely to be blocked (as long as they do not go to foreign servers).
This means that no one will set DPI at the level of the local provider, except perhaps at the backbone level.
Consequently, instead of a complete closure, we only have strong fragmentation (I don’t argue that this is, of course, also very sad) of the global network into many local networks. Basically, back to the future.
But Fidonet still works.
Do you suggest uncovering your old one? Gibson modem?
IMHO, the speed is too low by today's standards, even compared to i2p:(
Yes. Upload BDRip to 20 gigs in echo.
mmm... suck it up… :)
Well, why go to such extremes?.

First, there are file echo conferencing.

Secondly, BDRip can be fracked.

(But, unfortunately, you can not frack if the frecoprocessor is written in the nineties and considers the number of bytes to be thirty-two bits.)
Rarly archive it volume by volume, and then frack it :)
You can always encrypt traffic so that it is indistinguishable from unencrypted traffic.
And what will be the speed??
Yes, the same. I can’t imagine how you can distinguish a file compressed by some rare archiver from an encrypted container wrapped in fake headers of this type of archive. If manually, then yes, but in automatic mode, no.
The question is not the ability to store or transfer encrypted files.
The question is to build a network whose traffic will be unreadable, using the existing architecture.
Yes, easy. Transfer Word documents, where the printer blobs contain what you need to transfer.

Or will they also ban Word documents? How will electronic document management work then??
Are you talking about steganography??
Even with DPI, selective encrypted protocols cannot be reliably blocked.

They will block i2p everywhere - it is likely that they will introduce something like tls-auth for openvpn. So far no one knows how to reliably block it. Only for traffic to known hosts/ports.
Well if you believe these guys, then quite (at least ssh & OpenVPN)
When they start going to prison for using encryption, it will somehow make no difference at what level what is blocked.
Can you tell me more about double access?
You receive a new message with a picture on the regular Internet in a personal message on the resource on which they want to identify you, your browser loads it and then you can be identified, i.e., a parallel can be drawn between the username in i2p on the site and in the ipv4 network of the provider
In your post you advise “it’s better to use a separate browser for I2P.»
If I understood your comment correctly, then a separate browser will not save you from “double access”».
Will save if it is hard-coded to use I2P networks only
Then, if possible, “for housewives” - how to hardcode the use of only the i2p network into a separate browser?
specify in proxy settings - use localhost:4444.
With no exceptions.
And in the i2p settings disable out-proxy.
Not so categorically, it does not reveal the IP address behind it
You can use FF with FoxyProxy, and make a connection from an I2P router and TOR\Vidalia: go to *.i2p via localhost:4444, to everything else – via 9050. And that’s it.
I don't like Tor (i2p outproxy either) for increasing the possibility of getting a man-in-the-middle
It would be worth writing about these nuances in an article.…
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Not wake up there's a beast in me!
Add to the poll - I'm waiting for google.i2p
There is Yacy
Google and privacy are like the jackal and vegetarianism. Google makes a business out of information for targeted advertising, privacy is their worst enemy.
Let me disagree that setting up a bunch of proxy servers is easier than setting up one proxy in the browser.
PS In fairness I must say thank you. Because when setting it up, I also used your article.
What a pity that this scheme cannot be applied to Kerio Control. I wouldn't have any problems then.
I didn’t find my option in the survey - at the moment, what’s on www is enough for me.
Every day there is less and less content
1) State blocking
2) Search engines cut out content
3) Due to government demands, self-censorship is being introduced on the site (how are we here now?)
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
If you write something that contradicts the latest laws that are now being actively adopted, you will be transferred to RO - you don’t write this - self-censorship
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I'm talking about comments with prohibited content, about shara haven't read?
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
ummm... Why haven’t I seen this post anywhere? Neither the best ones nor the thematic ones? O_o
due to the selected hub
No, there’s something else here... There are some anomalies going on around this post, and on Habré in general… (are they encrypted from advertisers/investors? mmm... who knows..)
Holy shit... thanks for the link…
it's just some kind of trash and fuss :(
All the salt is in the comments
> Every day there is less and less content
Not that I am against i2p, but here you are clearly going against the truth.

> 1) State blocking
easy to get by
> 2) Search engines cut out content
i2p doesn't have them at all
> 3) Due to the demands of the authorities, self-censorship is introduced on the site (as we now have here)
a lot of resources without it
The best way to turn an anonymous network into a non-anonymous one is to use the same browser to work on i2p and the regular Internet.
In my opinion, a feeling of false security is much worse than a feeling of real danger.
The idea of ​​the article is not about anonymity, which I wrote about, that if you need anonymity, use a separate browser, but about freedom of speech and access to prohibited content
Colleagues, tell me, is there really anything useful/interesting in i2p that is not on the open Internet? I installed a router on a VPS server quite a long time ago and go to i2p every six months, but there’s really nothing there. Well, yes, there are a couple of dozen half-dead bloggers and a couple of equally dead forums where one and a half anon sits. Maybe there are some super-hidden resources with unique content that are not written about in local directories, but I just don’t know about them? =)
special porn valom.
Today the filibuster has moved there. In fact, she doesn’t give out books via the regular Internet, she gives out the inscription “we have teachings».
It's been working fine for a week now.
Idk, but I already forgot what I wanted to download) This trick caught my eye when I was trying to download a book to read on the bus.
The usefulness/interest of i2p and the Internet is approximately in the same proportion as the number of users of these networks, so you shouldn’t expect miracles: they don’t go there because of a good life. Youtube, VK, etc. i2p mirror will not open.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
where to look for pools and mixers?
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I didn’t understand from the article, will there be access to both the pure Internet and the i2p network? Or the script specifies such parameters that access will only be in i2p?
There will also be Internet access. The essence of the pac file is to automatically resolve which requests should go through a proxy and which ones should go directly
No one is stopping you from installing the PAC file on a non-Windows system.
During installation, agree to install the I2P service, this will allow it to run in the background when you turn on the computer.

1. To install a service on Windows, you need administrative rights - not everyone has them.
2. This service cannot be installed on Windows RT, Android or iPad.
3. How to install pac file on Safari@iPad?

The title says about any browser, which is misleading.
Mobile systems are a slightly different world.
I don’t know how it works for ipad, but it’s available for android application, True, the author warns about possible security problems.
You won't install I2P on an iPad either.
That's exactly why I asked you to rename the article so as not to mislead readers.
Your logic is strange. Everything that is not
Android or iPad.
Do you think
Windows on x86-compatible devices

Despite the fact that with some application of brains and replacing ie with FF, this instruction will work quite well for Linux on ARM.
This is your strange logic.
I pointed out to the author an inaccuracy, a factual error in the misleading title.
And you decided to find fault with my words - because the instructions will work and for Linux@ARM the title does not become true. Suggest a more correct option to the author of the article, not me.
Are you suggesting that I indicate all supported systems in the title??
Make the title, and the article, true to reality: remove the words about “any browser”, indicate at the beginning of the article for which operating systems and browsers the instructions are applicable, and that administrator rights are required to install the necessary software in Windows.

I just wanted to open an i2p site in the morning, I googled a little, found out that it’s not so simple, and here in the RSS there was such a promising headline and words about “every housewife,” well, I was happy, but it turned out that it was in vain :(
Should I list the entire family of different OSes? whatever does not require administrator rights - please install without the service and manually register a proxy in your favorite browser
It turned out to be some kind of meaningless conversation - you didn’t read a single comment of mine, but answered all of them :)
After finding peers - yes, there is a review from me on Habré testing I2P access speed
Cool song. Thanks for the tip.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
This is a little more complicated, as I understand it. When you connect to i2p, you yourself can begin to participate in providing access to other people whose goals and interests you may not agree with. There are people who would not like to support such interests even in this indirect way.
In I2P it is impossible to track who provides the address to whom; theoretically, finding the physical location of a hidden site is even more difficult than in TOR
The issue here is not a legal one (yes, the user is legally clear), but rather an ethical one. Another thing is that it is impossible to create an anonymous unblockable Internet in which there will be no substances And special porn. A-priory.
And from an ethical point of view, _any_ action (as well as inaction) of any person can benefit other people, with whose goals and interests you may not agree. And now what i can do?
Answering this question is illegal due to the prohibition on promoting suicide..
No, maybe some kind of virus?
By the way, as an idea for our Vokhrovites. Methods for eliminating unwanted people. Infect your computer with a virus that forcibly opens pages with prohibited content. One or two and a person turns from a hero, under the pressure of real, not fabricated evidence, into a CP distributor, suicide instigator and just radishes even for a large part of its public.
So, someone still doesn’t encrypt system drives with TrueCrypt??
This will help protect against hacking by connecting the hard drive to another computer.
Or do you consider it impossible to hack your computer over the network (let me remind you that we are not talking about a schoolchild’s neighbor, but about an office that can easily compensate for the lack of brain capacity with resources.)?
I set it up, went to the local search engine, and what a terrible design! I’m telling you this as a layout designer. Doctype html 4 transitional, everything is on tables, just like in the 90s.
You can always help make it better, or do it yourself. ;)
freezone.i2p Reminds me of Habr in everything. The topics are IT, the voting system is the same, and the design is similar.
There is only one problem - there are not enough people. Therefore, I invite everyone there, this is at least a refuge in case the hub is closed.
In case the hub is closed, it is not a refuge that is required, but a backup copy. Just don’t forget about the user agreement…
By the way, it wouldn’t be bad to have a mirror of Habr in i2p, even if it’s in ridonli without logins.
I support, in general IMHO, all possible resources should be mirrored in i2p, and in practice this can be done with almost any resource. I2p software does not consume that much, compared to the load on the project server(s) from other components (DB, web server, various cachers, etc.). The audience in i2p is also not catastrophically large, and will not create big problems even in theory.
ps: it will be really good when i2p is rewritten in C++, then we’ll live, because productivity will increase, there will be much less memory, and as a result there will even be modules for routers :)
By the way, for rewriting in C++ it would be possible to organize a donation
I agree that donation is desirable for such large-scale projects. Actually, even as a programmer, I’m ready to help, and for free :)
Moreover, I found my article there from Habr…
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I quite liked the default snark. True, I’m used to the web interface - I mainly use the deluge daemon on htpc.
Isn’t it possible to configure utorrent via i2p as a socks proxy??
Most likely not, I have not dealt with this issue personally, but I will assume that a regular torrent client simply will not understand how to work in i2p due to the lack of IP addresses, i.e. it simply will not be able to establish connections, the same goes for DC++.
As a further development of this topic, I see a solution in the form of sending fictitious IP addresses to i2p software through a proxy, and until then regular software will not be able to work correctly.
This will not work for torrents either; the current variation of the BitTorrent protocol in I2P (http://www.i2p2.de/bittorrent.html) requires support at the software level, since otherwise the client will not be able to parse the server response or request compact output (which preferable and greatly relieves the server). There are only two options - change packets on the fly or expand the protocol, which will allow the tracker to issue fictitious IPv6 addresses immediately.
Vuze can i2p out of the box.
No, this is the maximum possible limit
But some traffic will always flow, as I understand it?
Naturally, if the conditions of your node are suitable, open ports, external IP, if this bothers you, then you can turn it off, but I don’t understand why it bothers, now almost everyone has unlimited home Internet
Well, if they don’t download child porn through my site, then I can give 60%, I’m not afraid )
It seems like you can reduce the amount of traffic sent, isn’t it??
On this ( page.

The traffic will flow, otherwise it will be dishonest - you do not allow the traffic of other users to pass through you, but they pass yours. If the Internet is unlimited, why not leave it at 60%??
30% — min and they are scaring you with a decrease in the level of anonymity and the fact that you are not helping the network
The higher the share of transit traffic, the higher your anonymity and the greater your assistance to the network.
This is not scary, it’s all true, you want your traffic to be lost in the flow of others?
shifttstas I have a peculiar question for you on the topic of the topic: I have long ago configured i2p on my home gateway and distribute a link to the pac file via DHCP, and so - the adult OS I use (Windows, Ubuntu) perfectly connect to this config, and everything works wonderfully, but problems arise, for example, with Android, because the OS and applications simply ignore this parameter. Please tell me if there is any solution to this problem.
Good question, in theory they should accept the parameter as specified in the standard; iOS, as far as I know, accepts this file
Hmm, third-party applications didn’t help much. Even with root, no automation is possible, and manually registering this, and even separately for each connection, is somehow not cool at all :(

Found more here is the application — Requires root, but settings are simpler.
Android - tunnels using ssh (vx connectbot) or openvpn. But this is slightly above the level of housewives.
I'll say a few words from the user's perspective.
About a year ago I tried to set up i2p and failed. About 4 months ago I tried again and had difficulty launching it. I went through a gauntlet of errors - the clocks were not synchronized, the ports were blocked, or something else. I Googled errors (by the way, i2p has excellent built-in help!), tinkered with the firewall, tinkered with the web interface of the ADSL router, but still got everything working. I surfed the sites, even downloaded a couple of i2p torrents) However, then i2p was updated - and that’s it, some new error arose (I don’t remember which one) it didn’t work anymore.
Now I saw this post - I decided to do it again) I tore down the old i2p and installed it again. Now again there are 2 errors alternately: about a broken clock and about a port blocked from the outside. =) I'll pick when I'm in the mood.
A broken clock is a crookedly configured (or not configured) time synchronization in the OS, and a port blocked from the outside is not an error if you do not have an external IP address.
Judging by what you say about the problem that recently occurred, then you have Windows, because they actually released a broken version 0.9.8 for it, patch fixed it.
try the portable build, it works without problems: cypher.tk
> otherwise tomorrow, perhaps, the official I2P website will also be blocked.
This is how you got me hooked.
It turned out to be much more convenient for me to set up a separate browser for these purposes. Still, the network doesn’t handle much traffic yet.
But where should people go??
Don't leave, but leave.
Don't leave, but fly away.

I ask the Habrahabr administration not to block this comment of mine. It's about air transport, not substances..
I use privoxy to access tor and i2p at the same time. The interesting part of the privoxy config:

forward .i2p localhost:4444
forward-socks4a.onion localhost:9050.
forward 192.168.69.*/.

We see .i2p - we let it through i2p.
We see .onion - we let it through tor.
We also run everything else through tor..
Using the same scheme, you can add freenet (though no one uses it)
How do you resolve the above-mentioned problem with double calls??
In this configuration it is not so scary, because
We also run everything else through tor..
So that there is access to information, freedom of speech and respect at least those rules that are in the constitution?

Mesh networks are not suitable, Tor also cannot provide the required

What exactly can't Tor provide that I2P can? Tor can provide access to information, freedom of speech, privacy of correspondence (using Torchat, For example). Tor is better than I2P for opening regular websites. To be fair, I2P beats Tor in terms of torrents.

In my opinion, for housewives, a foreign VPN is more convenient than I2P or Tor. You don’t want to explain why this VKontakte doesn’t load right away and they don’t let you edit Wikipedia.
Tor provides anonymity, but does not ensure data inaccessibility. i2p provides. Briefly, in a torus, the first node in the chain knows from whom, but does not know what, the last node knows what, but does not know from whom. Nobody knows anything in IT. Aitupi is not intended to open regular websites.
Did you mean "data availability"»?
Tor has hidden services system, which allows anyone to create sites like XYZ.onion. Data is encrypted from client to server, Man-in-the-middle attack is not possible. Such sites provide data availability similar to that of I2P. One such site was Silk Road. The Torchat IM client is built on a system of hidden services.

Freenet provides even greater data availability, but it is built on a different principle. The data is copied to other participants' computers and can be downloaded from them even if the original source is gone. If data has not been used for a long time, it may disappear from the network. There are similarities with the torrent network, but Freenet is anonymous and better suited for creating HTML sites.

Aitupi is not intended to open regular websites.
Housewives need to go to regular websites. To change this, you need to make analogues or mirrors of regular sites in the .onion and .i2p zones.

Tor can open regular sites, and the visitor remains anonymous, but the site does not (here only site administrators can do something), or it can open hidden sites, then the sites are also anonymous. I2P provides a mechanism similar to Tor hidden sites, but does not allow regular sites to be opened. Tor is heavily loaded because client computers do not become intermediary nodes by default, as in I2P. Therefore, for large hidden transfers (torrent) it is better to use I2P, and for light sites Tor.

If we take all this into account, we can recommend the following means::
I2P - for torrents,
Freenet - for data that is important to keep publicly available (e.g. Wikileaks),
Tor and onion - for everything else (hidden sites, regular sites, IM, Bitcoin).
but it doesn't allow me to open regular websites

To be fair: I2P has outproxy.
Recently, the router began to heavily load the system. Apparently, it’s not worth keeping it on a work laptop all the time and you need to get a separate machine.
The dependence on java is very confusing. It's hard!
if the tor binary easily takes off on a router with openwrt, making it possible to make completely isolated access without logs and traces (literally - a wifi access point that transmits all traffic through tor. You connect to it - and there is simply physically no “open” Internet!), then I won’t be able to start the i2p daemon like that, alas…
It seems like it's been a while sawing implementation in C++
It would be better if they sawed it on Github and collected donations
«This project has no files.»
So it doesn’t look like they are sawing, but just declaring.
Wow, how did they start talking about I2P!!!.. Colleagues immediately turn on the repeater back!
Repeater of what?
Repeater where?
Well, Habr will be added to the registry again :(
Is it possible to configure I2P on the router so that all computers located behind it have access to I2P?
Theoretically, it’s possible. Practically, the I2P client is written in Java (for now? There is a project to rewrite it in C++, see above), and not every router can handle this.
Well, a computer can also act as a router. The main question is different: will computers in a local area be able to pick up I2P without any settings at all??
distribute this file via DHCP, for example
My NS works on a stump through a deck. Dereferencing *.i2p addresses takes several hours, or even never dereferences at all.

What settings need to be reconfigured??

And in FX, I have had FoxyProxy set up for a long time to select the required proxy for a particular site on the fly.
It might be worth adding subscriptions for the resolver?
In general, this is strange, but for good reason - the distribution should be functional out of the box. Either now there are problems due to sharply increased loads, or I don’t even know what the problems are. Above, the person also complains about similar problems.
This is clear to specialists and those who have figured it out, in fact it is clear to me, I just want to draw attention to a serious problem of this nature: it is necessary that I2P be installed on the maximum number of end users, and for this it is necessary that it be immediately in “combat state” ”, and did not require “additional pre-configuration”. Now we get a somewhat strange situation: everyone assures us that to set up an I2P router, you just need to set the speed of your connection and that’s it, but in practice this turns out to be not enough, and the router works so-so. At the same time, practice shows that the most widely used mechanisms are those whose setup is simple, or at least obvious to the majority without outside help, and crawling through help and forums.

Here I rather fall into philosophy and reasoning, but you must agree that this is a serious problem for I2P as for software aimed at the end user, and it needs to be solved centrally and now.

For example, it took off and did not take off, compare three protocols: Torrent, DC++, and Emule, and see what happens to them:

In fact, no one uses Emule because of a bunch of things that are not obvious to the average person, and because the official client is actually inoperative and cannot download anything, and in order to download anything from the network you need to install an alternative (patched) client (this problem is no longer so relevant), but one way or another it is necessary to puzzle over the settings. And due to the fact that few people use it, new users still do not flock there, because there is little content there, although the protocol has improved significantly over the past few years and has gotten rid of most of its critical problems.

DC++ - the official client is quite functional, but has little functionality (for example, in chats there are no emoticons, text formatting, and it eats up too many resources), setting up DC++ is also far from trivial, and until you figure it out, problems arise that at first “doesn’t look for” , and then “doesn’t download».

In addition, for both of the above-mentioned protocols there is a problem: the results of what is found for downloading are usually chaos, and it is often quite difficult to find exactly what you need without downloading (of course, this can also be solved if you look into it), at the moment this problem in Emule has been solved much better than DC++.

Torrent - its popularity is due to the fact that it works without any configuration out of the box. Because of this, it works well because so many people use it. For this reason, even sitting behind a proxy server that does not know https on anything other than port 443, the torrent works wonderfully. At the same time, it has seemingly serious problems, such as: the lack of an intranet user search, an extremely inconvenient distribution structure (the linking is carried out not to real objects (files), but to the distribution, which often causes problems when you don’t want to download everything , or name the file differently, or put some of the files differently than they are in the distribution (for example, a root tracker and subs or audio tracks in distributions - which, after downloading, no player automatically picks up)). However, due to the availability of: convenient trackers, the ability to work out of the box in any conditions (with the possible exception of special blocking by the provider), the protocol is very, very popular.
In general, what I mean by all this is that necessary for mass distribution, so-called, usability.

ps: and one last example: I use Kaspersky Lab products, in version 2014 they removed virtually all settings for protection mechanisms from the interface, and now you can only turn the component on or off, which is extremely for me, as someone who is “in the know.” It’s not convenient, because I need less aggressive protection, for example, from a file antivirus, but everyone, without exception, who is at least a couple of millimeters further from IT, is happy, incredibly happy, and completely approves of this change.
They usually suggest that I use the jump service. One of them usually works.
After all, setting up addresses and ports using different dialogs and even before setting up the I2P software itself is not for “every housewife”».
It seems to me that Tor has become so popular because they made a ready-made, convenient and understandable Browser Bundle that anyone can really use.
Since the benefit of such networks is not simply that individual gifted individuals will use it (and this is enough), but that there will be a lot of users, which actually makes it difficult to analyze traffic using fake packet timing nodes, etc., then the developers Well, you just can’t neglect the convenience and ease of the software. This is now the main disadvantage of I2P. (Well, Java isn’t very suitable for it either, but that’s a separate debate.)
And they have their own Google, for searching i2p resources?
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